Save our daylight! And my sanity, please.

I am having more trouble than ever adjusting to the extra hour we got on Sunday. I’m what you’d probably call a morning person and I’ve successfully(?) adjusted my internal clock to wake me up between 5 and 5:30 am. Let’s just say I’ve gotten very used to waking up before the sun has stretched its golden rays. And I’m comfortable with that. Morning is my “me time” and I treasure the cool breeze, quiet stillness, and slow pace.

HOWEVER, ever since the clocks turned back I have been regularly waking up at a rather absurd time. You don’t even want to know. If you thought 5:30 was crazy….well, just don’t judge me.

I blame mother nature.

And William Willett.

My little eyes now easily flutter open between 3:45 and 4:30am. I know. It’s terrible. Even if I’ve only had 6-7 hours of sleep by that point I am wide awake and ready to go. I can make myself go back to sleep but it only lasts for short spurts. I swear, this morning I woke up and fell back asleep 3 times in the span of ten minutes. I was so confused every time I woke up and turned towards my clock. Almost begging my 5:30 alarm to go off amid the flurry of thoughts:

“Should I try to get more sleep? Probably. Don’t humans require more than 6 hours of sleep to function??”

“Maybe it would be more productive if I read my new book instead of fighting sleeplessness.”

“Or I could cram in a few more episodes of Gilmore Girls. Then maybe I’ll stand a chance of re-watching all 7 seasons in the next two weeks.”

As per usual, I was quite indecisive.

I clearly have a very ingrained sense of time and the big bold numbers on my clock are absolutely irrelevant. But also, it’s ridiculous that it is pitch black by 5pm. We can at least agree on that, right?

Hmm, maybe I have to push myself to stay up later to readjust my mental clock. I guess election night is a pretty good night to test that theory out!

Better go stock up on hot chocolate supplies to keep my eyelids from drooping too early.

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